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Additional Resources and Tips

In addition to completing projects in-house, the Saint Louis University Division of Marketing and Communications offers resources and training to help distributed units promote themselves. 

Campus Photography and Videography

Saint Louis University does not have a photographer on staff, but the Division of Marketing and Communications maintains a list of professionals who are already contractors in Billiken Buy. Options are available in a range of price points. 

Marcom also maintains a digital asset management system that contains images of 博彩网址大全 that can be used for University marketing and communications initiatives. Contact Matt Krob, director of design services, for more information.

We can also consult with you on your video projects. Our team can recommend one of our trusted vendor partners or help you use resources from within 博彩网址大全. Producing a video yourself for 博彩网址大全? Get our tips. 

Request Help with a Video

Digital Best Practices

The pages on represent Saint Louis University to prospective students, faculty and staff, professional colleagues, patients and the community at large. They should be accessible to all, clearly written and easy to scan and understand. 

Tips for Creating Good Content

Working with the Media or Promoting Events

博彩网址大全's Marcom team can help you with media placements and in promoting your event. If you are a member of the media, please visit 博彩网址大全's Newsroom and access our media tool kit, where you can find guidelines for media access and more. 

Media Interview Tips